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Gospel Tract Outreach

Christ's final word to His Church, prior to ascending into heaven, was that it would receive power to be a poweful, provocative, and productive witness about salvation to all peoples throughout all ages.  Since that declaration was made, the message and the 'charge' for all believers has remained the same.

    To empower the church to carry out this command effectively God has provided numerous mediums through which the message can be delivered.  All of these, when enshrouded by prayer and directed by the Holy Spirit, can become a powerful force.  Gospel tracts is the medium which has been chosen by Harvest Outreach because people enjoy reading hope filled stories. To help others use these, we make the tracts reaily available to other believers, worldwide, who also share in this type of evangelistic endeavours.

In Canada there are approximately 33 million people; although Canada is considered as a 'Christian' nation, only 7% openly declare they believe in God, and only 2.78% attend church regularly. The rest of our fellow country men prefer to leave God 'out of the discussion' until a time of crisis arises, and then they think He should be available to solve their problems whenever they call upon Him!

Look over this website; if there is anything you can use in evangelism, download it and then move in the power of the Holy Spirit with boldness letting others know Christ still loves the lost who will 'call upon Him in their time of trouble'.

To motivate you to witness for Christ, may I suggest that you take a few minutes and view the MSPowerPoint Presentation, "The Quest For Souls" provided below: God richly bless you as you labour together with us in fulfilling His commission to "be His witness" and "Ambassadors" of grace to those God brings into our life day by day.

The Quest For Souls


"Inviting Humanity To Christ's Table Of
Grace Through Gospel Tract Outreach!"